At True North, we believe our mission is to help lead people to discover their role in God's amazing story. We believe each person's role begins here:

Honor God. Love Others. Serve All.

We believe that God's goal - the thing He is most passionate about - is His own glory. That can be a tough pill to swallow if you come from a background where you were taught that we, as humans, are at the center.

If we are at the center of God's plan, then God is worshipping us and not vice versa.

If you'd like to learn more about what we believe as a church, the best way is to attend one of our services or gatherings and experience it for yourself!

Below are a few more details about True North's beliefs:


We believe that God exists in three distinct persons:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the Trinity). We believe this based on the way He speaks about Himself in the scriptures. 


We believe that salvation takes place when a person believes that their sins have been paid for by Christ's death and resurrection. 

Jesus Christ

Fully God, and fully human. He came to Earth, lived a sinless life and was crucified according to God's plan in order to satisfy the need for just punishment of our sins. This payment for our debts allows God to freely and openly offer forgiveness of sins to all who which to receive it, because God is merciful. 

The Bible

We believe that the Bible was written by people, under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit. We consider the Bible to be the source and norm of our doctrine and faith. The Glory of God is the integrating theme of the Bible. It is a thread that runs from Genesis to Revelation. 


We believe that we were created in God's image, for the purpose of reflecting His glory. We have been separated from God by our disobedience (sin) and the reflection has become distorted. We believe that mankind has no hope of straightening this out apart from God's help through Jesus Christ. 

The Church

Jesus established the church here on Earth to carry on the work that He began while He was here - the same work that God has been doing since the dawn of time: bringing glory to Himself. 


We believe that Baptism is for those who believe. We believe that the proper mode for baptism is immersion. Baptism is an outward display of an inward change, and we also believe that God's involvement in the process makes it a supernatural event. 

The Christian Life

We believe that greed is not good. Living a self-centered life is a trap that many have found themselves in; with the result being a whole generation of people who are ever-consuming and ever-empty. No amount of money is ever enough. We believe that true life is only found when we lose ourselves in something much bigger. The Christian life is a life lived for His glory, and not our own. 

We hope that our commitment to the following core values will be evident in our church and people:

  1. Worship: worship is more than just music; it is life. Giving glory to God is woven into the fabric of all we do.
  2. Excellence: we believe that God is worthy of our very best, and we strive to honor Him with excellence in every area of our lives and ministry.
  3. Authenticity: our church is a place where people can be real. A place of safety and acceptance, where openness is the norm and masks are left outside.
  4. Relevance: we want people to feel at home when they visit True North. Whenever it's possible, we will seek to embrace culture rather than retreat from it.
  5. Fun: We love to laugh, so we try to make our gatherings enjoyable and memorable!